Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce: A Peaceful Path to Divorce

Mr. Donovan and Mr. Melendez work to keep families out of court and help them transition through divorce in the most peaceful way possible. A peaceful approach is not only better for the mental health of all involved, including the children, it is less expensive and time consuming than an adversarial approach.

Mr. Melendez has completed advanced training in Collaborative Divorce Practice. This practice provides support to divorcing couples in every aspect involved in their transition including the emotional, child related and the financial areas of their case.

Collaborative Divorce is a worldwide trend that is getting increased attention by both local Bars and the Judiciary. In Collaborative Divorce, divorcing couples receive assistance from a team of professionals. The professional team includes:

1. Two Collaboratively trained Attorneys, one representing each spouse


2. A Collaboratively trained Financial Neutral and
3. A Collaboratively trained NeutralFacilitator

In Collaborative Divorce, You Make All The Decisions

A distinguishing aspect of the Collaborative Divorce process is that the Attorneys representing each spouse must agree to not go to court. In fact, the attorneys sign an agreement stating that they will withdraw from the case should it fail to resolve out-of-court. This withdrawal agreement is a great motivator that keeps the parties committed and focused on full and complete transparent resolution.

You do not have to be without problems to be successful with the Collaborative Divorce Process! There are many advantages to Collaborative Divorce. They include:

1. Collaborative Divorce involves less conflict and stress. The parties agree on the professionals that will help them. These Collaboratively Trained professionals work as a team instead of competitors as is found in the traditional method.

2. Collaborative Divorce is less expensive. By having one set of professionals working as a team, the costs are immediately reduced and the process becomes solution based instead of conflict driven.

3. Collaborative Divorce takes less time. Most Collaborative matters take less than a year to resolve. In fact, many take less than 6 months. This timeframe is in stark contrast to the typical divorce court process which can take years to reach completion.

4. Collaborative Divorce is private. Another benefit of the collaborative method is that any agreements that the parties reach do not always need to be filed as a public record at the courthouse. This level of privacy (depending on which venue the action is filed) is an additional compelling reason that many people seek the collaborative method.

5. Collaborative Divorce puts you in control. With Collaborative Divorce, parties actively work to come to win-win agreements that both can live with. In a traditional divorce, important final decisions are many times be left to a judge who are bound by the law and don’t have the flexibility of all creative solutions.

Divorce Mediation

Though Mediation is a great way to resolve disputes, the typical mediation does not usually include the full benefit of neutral team building.

Collaborative Divorce is a team based approach that does iclude a neutral team of professionals and allows couples to avoid the common pitfalls of the traditional method including: increased animosity, detrimental effects on children, depression, financial hardship and heartache. When participants enter into an agreement not to litigate their family law issues in Court, and engage competent Collaboratively trained professionals to help them, they immediately start down a positive path in the creation of their new lives apart. This is a breakthrough in the way that family law is practiced!

Collaborative Practice For Other Family Law Issues

In addition to divorce, the Collaborative Process is successfully used in resolving other, related family issues or disputes. Collaborative Practice assists in resolving divorce and:

  1. Issues for LGBTQ couples
  2. Issues for unmarried couples and families
  3. Child Support
  4. Paternity
  5. Pre- and post-marital (separation) agreements
  6. Distribution of assets and liabilities
  7. Timesharing
  8. Therapeutic needs

In addition to his advanced training in the Collaborative Process, Mr. Melendez is a member of the Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Next Generation Divorce, and the International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP).

Contact the Donovan Melendez Law Office in Tampa Bay for Help

Mr. Donovan and Mr. Melendez have years of experience in Collaborative Divorce. If you are interested in learning more about how this option could help you peacefully transition to the next phase of your life, reach out to us at 813-280-0181.

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